Theeeeese two. . .c’mon.

Obviously well balanced, super kind and fun people (everyone is, really — except for assholes whom aren’t allowed here) with that added bonus that they destroyed their camera time together. Let me know tell you how I know.

  1. They brought a beautiful dog. Duh.
  2. Anton’s mom joined us. Duh, again.
  3. They’re goofy.
  4. They laughed.
  5. They did hilarious things together.
  6. They had FUN with it.

THEY WERE THEMSELVES. I know this because they did and said things that made sense only to them. It didn’t mean anything to me. They seemed to have fun with it and that’s the point. I also know it because they verbalized it to me during there photo reveal after the session. And guess what. . .those frames are the ones they designed in their engagement album. Boomshakalaka!

Seriously, they were a hit. Take note and look below. It shows.

Also try to remember: Embrace it. Have fun with it. Be you. Live ferociously. Love hard. Catalog it and print it. Don’t die.

Columbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photographyColumbus engagement photography